Current time: 12:14 a.m., so I guess it's actually Saturday. We just had my Mom's surprise 60th birthday, she never guessed. Everyone just left, tucked the girls in bed.
In my glass: A very last bit of Carmenere wine I found that I left upstairs. Also half a Smithwick's, a small glass of champagne with a hibiscus in it and three glasses of water.
In my belly: Tuscan bean and vegetable soup, bread, marinated olives and way too many cheese and crackers. Oh, and don't forget a scoop of bread pudding and a slice of my grandmother's apple cake. (Yes, we do know that food and wine make the party).
In my ears: "Georgia on My Mind" Ray Charles, have had my Nora Jones Pandora station on all night.
Out the window: A clear night, a bit of a chill, just went out to turn out the Christmas lights.
On the editor: A few from tonight but not too many.
Last watched: An episode of River Cottage last night on the computer. All my television shows are on hiatus for the holiday :-(
Feeling good about: Family. We had my little family, my sister and her boyfriend, my grandparents, my brother and Claire up from Salisbury and my Aunt and her husband all here tonight. It was fantastic having my house full of family. It was wonderful being able to surprise my mother. I love having a house full. My parents played Just Dance on the Wii and the girls were playing tennis with my brother at 11:00 pm.
Feeling bad about: Not really bad, but I'm having a hard time getting back into a routine after the holidays, there was Christmas, then this party and Karelyn's birthday is Tuesday.
By my bedside: Almost done The Ninth Wife, got Deborah Madison's Vegetable Soups from the library this week on Calum and Claire's recommendation.
Making me think: How lucky I am.