Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Momentous day

I am writing this on Monday, 18th July: today is the Young Philosopher's twentieth birthday. I am the mother of an adult! Twenty has always seemed to me far more momentous than either eighteen or twenty-one. The end of the teenage years! In honour of the occasion, here's a photograph from the archives: me looking old fashioned and twee in a very matronly dress, him looking his gorgeous one-year-old self.

He is heading off to Camden with his girlfriend today for shopping and food, and we will have a little family get together with his grandparents and uncle this evening.

I am feeling better the last couple of days and had a great weekend. Highlights:

Two long lie ins 
Coffee in bed and bacon sandwiches for breakfast, made by the Prof
Doing the The Telegraph General Knowledge crossword together
Two shopping trips - clothes for the Prof, birthday presents and clothes for the Young Philosopher, new bag, purse and notebook for me 
Saturday night dinner at my favourite Indian restaurant 
Sunday night pub meal with the Prof, the Young Philosopher and his girlfriend 
Getting ready for bed early last night to read/doze for a couple of hours on the sofa

Thank you so much for the link to the video of  a cicada. I had never seen or heard one until just now (I  may have changed my mind about coming out there to sit on your porch). We don't have cicadas here. We have crickets, but where I live is too urban for them really.  No whippoorwhils here either. I can see how they got their name! We have a lot of wood pigeons here, a friend of mine used to say their call sounds like 'how awful, oh, how awful'.

That breakfast looks amazing. Is that maple syrup on there? Yum. 

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