Thursday, June 9, 2011

dreaming small.

As much as I love to dream, I think that maybe one of the things that I have learned is that sometimes "too much" is just "too much"  whether it is thoughts, ideas, dreams or things.   And it's through my "conversations" with you that I have begun to see that my dreams might serve me better if they pertain to the right here and the right now. 

So I've decided to make a new list of dreams.  Dreams for the immediate future.  I guess some would call them goals, but goals to me are "lose ten pounds"  or "get a promotion" or "save enough money for a new car or college".  Goals seem to me to be kind of strict and well, a bit boring.  I think what I want more than anything right now, is to spend my days with a sense of peace, with a sense of calm, with a sense of satisfaction.  So maybe I can come up with the "TO-DO" dream list to simplify and calm my life.

Like, planting flowers around my house, tidying up my basement, reading a book to my children each night, hanging some artwork on my bare walls, committing to actually finishing a book.

I'm ready to start making my current life my dream life and thus it is far more attainable and rewarding and far less likely to cause great amounts of stress.

So to start by simplifying and slowing down.  Slowing down is a hard thing for me to do. The very nature of being a working single mother of two young daughters makes it difficult, but I am vowing this month to start.  Take a task at a time.  Decide what is a priority and what can wait until later.

Tonight I tried.  I made a simple dinner for myself with no dishes to wash up.  I took some photos and edited them.  I drank a glass of wine and had a warm bath.  I took the dog for a long walk along the woods and discovered I have multitudes of little white moths living in my lawn.  I sat in the quiet of my daughters' room and held my little one's hand while she fell asleep. Then I crept into bed early and wrote you this letter before I roll over into what I hope to be a full and peaceful night's sleep. 

And really isn't that a dream come true right there?

Thank you, my friend, for pointing out to me that "dreaming  small" is sometimes the best gift you can give yourself.

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