Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Again, another week has almost  passed before I wrote to you.  I woke up this morning and remembered I hadn't posted anything yet.  So where to begin....

First and foremost I have to send you a great big hug and thank you for my package!  What a surprise I didn't even know it was coming and it was so chock full of good things.  I keep going back and through it and find delight in it again and again.  That scarf is the most amazing thing ever.  I cannot knit, tried crochet once and was utter failure (no manual dexterity) so I am just amazed by knitting and the things people can make.  It's gorgeous and warm and a most beautiful shade of blue.  I have taken to wearing it everywhere out and around the house and even at work.  The dishcloths, well they just seem too pretty to use.  All of it was amazing and that note card will probably end up framed.  Emily has stolen the stickers and is putting them everywhere including her phone, we can't wait to sit down and play the game.  Love to you my friend, you made my day....

What has been going on here?  We've reached that time of year (mid-February) when I begin to really hate winter.  I am ready for it to be gone.  We aren't getting any snow and it's been bitter, bitter cold and we're all just tired of being stuck inside.  I long to feel the sun's warmth and see a bit of green come back.  I've been diligently feeding my birds and they are taking full advantage.  We get a good range of woodpeckers, titmice, chickadees, sparrows, blue jays, and doves.  The last two days though the red-wing blackbirds have been taking over and devouring it all.  While I love seeing them in the fields (that little flash of red) I don't so much like when they take over and leave my little birds with nothing.

A funny story from this week, I took the girls boot shopping last weekend which was a trying affair.  After six stores (K has very wide feet and it can be difficult to find her shoes) and K running around the store away from me in a huff) I pulled out a line that cracked me up later.  I said "GO sit down.  When I was a girl, my mother took me to ONE shoe store and we picked out ONE pair and we wore them all year long".   Might as well have added a bit about walking to school uphill in eight feet of snow.  In the second store, I sat on the floor next to her and said "Please don't make your mother cry in Bass, you will be so embarrassed".  I'm sure there are many more one-liners to come.   In the end, both girls got a pair of boots and K ended up with a pair of Converse sneakers that are too cute on her AND fit.

I guess that's about it for now.  I had better get out of my robe and fuzzy socks and get ready for work.  Bundle up to go out in the big freeze.  Until next week my friend....xoxoxo.


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